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Mrs Middelstadt - 1st Grade

Dear First Grade Families:

My name is Kimberley Middelstadt and I am so excited to be your child's teacher this year! This is my fifth year at Hunter and my seventh year of teaching. I was also an Alaska Native Education (ANE) tutor for the district for three years. We are going to do so many FUN things together as we learn all about reading, writing, math, science, and more! This school year is going to be a little different, but together, we will make wonderful memories! 

Students will be able to go through Classlink to reach all the apps we will use this year: Seesaw, Epic, SmartyAnts, AR, etc. Please let me know if you need me to resend your child's login information.

I will be using Seesaw as my main form of communication. 

Our Google Meets will be from 10:30am-12pm everyday.

Please contact me for the meeting ID. 




Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Kimberley Middelstadt

Room 129

456-5775 x34129