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Mrs Keene Vickers - 5th Grade

Dear 5th Grade Parents & Students,

Mrs. Ralston has been selected to be the other 5th grade teacher. Most of the students will recognize her as being a 6th grade teacher last year. I will be teaching Reading, Social Studies, Art, and will serve as your “Homeroom” teacher. Mrs. Ralston will be teaching Math, Science, & Writing.

We are using Google Classroom to deliver all instruction. We will be meeting each day on Google Meet from 9:30-12:30 (with intermittent breaks). There will be occasions that we may end earlier, however, we will always begin at 9:30. If you are unable to meet at this time, we will be posting a video of the meeting on the Google Classroom “5th Grade Homeroom” Class (see next paragraph).

Many of you are familiar with how to log onto Google Classroom & how to join a class. If you don't know how to do this. Remember: you must be logged into your Google account first (This is done by selecting "sign in" located in the upper right-hand corner of Login email is: Their password should be their s# with a g at the end. Please email r call the school for the fhe Google Class Join code. Our class is titled "5th Grade Homeroom". 

As mentioned earlier, instruction will be delivered through Google Meet. To access our Google Meet link, enter the Homeroom classroom. Once there, the link is located in the upper left-hand corner of the blue header. We look forward to meeting with all of our students tomorrow morning at 9:30. 

 In addition, we will be using Bloomz as a communication device tool. Please email for the class code to join Bloomz.

Have a Happy & Joyful Day,




Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Heather Keene (Vickers)

Room 139

456-5775 x34139