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After School Program


The 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Funded After School Programs strive to improve student academics by providing a safe environment for students to explore interests, develop confidence, and celebrate success, while promoting positive connections between schools, families, and our diverse community.

  Hunter's 21st Century Community Learning Center After School Program provides academic support and enrichment opportunities to students Monday - Thursday afternoons. We strive to support the critical partnerships between school, families and community.

Our Hunter Elementary students will tell you, "After School is Pretty Cool!"

E.A.S.T. Outdoor Explorers paddle toward fun! The New Hunter After School Program full "S. T. E. A. M." ahead.

This is the second year of a five year 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant. The focus of this new grant for the Hunter After School Program continues to be designed around Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM).  Activities are designed to enrich student’s academic growth in an exciting and enjoyable way. The program includes a 30 minute homework block which consists of structured and routine work in language arts and math for all. Students also participate in 75-90 minutes of inquiry project-based learning meant to integrate the student’s core skills and abilities.  

All students will attend both academic/homework time daily and a STEAM class twice a week. The activities and teachers in the ASP have been carefully selected to meet the needs of the children in our program. Our After school Program is funded by a 21st century Community Learning Center Grant, and is free to all families that meet the basic academic requirements. Each day a wide variety of academic enrichment clubs, as well as fun recreational activities, will be offered. There will be a number of opportunities throughout the year, for families to join in on the fun. The Hunter After School Program promises to be an exciting and enriching experience for all who participate. Student’s participation is contingent upon good behavior and regular attendance. Students who do not meet participation expectations will not be permitted to attend ASP.

Contact Information

Billy Smith After School Program Coordinator (907) 456-5775 x34113